Our Engagement Story

Better late than never! Bill proposed nearly six months ago (10/4/2019), so I figured it was time to share our engagement story now that we are in the thick of wedding planning…


But first, a little background on how we met. Bill and I met almost five years ago randomly at a bar. Both of us were celebrating Memorial Day Weekend up on Cape Cod with friends, and the town that we were in, Chatham, pretty much has one bar — The Chatham Squire. I believe we first met Saturday night, but ended up running into each other Sunday night as well. We’ve pretty much been together ever since.

Emily Lucille Chatham Squire

Anyway, after doing long distance back and forth for a year or so (I was at home in New Jersey and Bill was in Stamford) I got a job in Stamford and made the move to Connecticut. We’ve lived together for almost four years now and I can’t believe how fast the time has gone.

Fast forward to 2019 and I knew we most likely were getting engaged before the year ended. Probably the biggest indicator of that was when Bill asked me to go ring shopping in January. I remember freaking out to my mom and friends because I was so surprised he wanted to go together. Although I had not-so-subtly sent Bill photos of rings I liked leading up to this point, I think he wanted to make sure I really knew what I wanted. It was such a fun and special day.

From there, it was all in Bill’s hands. I didn’t hear much about rings after that and it was pretty much a waiting game. There were a few days throughout the year that I thought it was going to happen, but I always ended up being wrong…


After back-to-back weekends of traveling for weddings and bachelorette parties in September, I got home and Bill asked me if I wanted to meet him in the city for dinner on Friday, October 4. This wasn’t weird to me as Bill works in the city and I meet him there pretty frequently. I didn’t think anything of it until the end of the day when I mentioned it to my coworkers and they asked if I thought I was getting engaged…

I hopped on train in Stamford (below is the last picture I took before getting engaged LOL) and met Bill at Grand Central. From there we took a cab uptown (where we were getting dinner) and he said he wanted to go for a walk before in Central Park. This is where I started to get suspicious because we love a good pre-dinner cocktail and I was surprised we weren’t doing that.

From there, the rest is history. Bill got down on one knee and I very obviously said yes. I basically blacked out so I can’t really remember what was said but I remember the sentiment and I hope I never forget that feeling. The fact that he did it in Central Park is one of my favorite parts of the entire engagement. We love the city so much, and although we never lived there, it’s nice that we will always have this special connection to it.

Emily Lucille Engagement Story Engagement Ring

After Bill proposed we walked (Bill walked I stopped at every single window with a light on to try and get a good look at the ring LOL) to dinner at the smallest, most romantic Italian restaurant. I think there were 12 tables and Bill and I were so excited/happy I think we definitely stood out. I barely remember what we ate and then we got in an Uber and headed home.

On the ride back to Stamford we called our parents, siblings and friends, and then once we got home the two of us went to the bar across the street from our apartment for some more drinks. It really was the perfect night. To my surprise the next day, Bill had arranged for our families to come to our apartment to celebrate. We hung out on our roof, had some cocktails then went to lunch at one of our favorite spots. It was a dream.

It’s true what they say about the engagement high. It’s real! I still can’t believe that we are engaged, and the weekend Bill proposed will forever be one of the best weekends of my life.

Emily Lucille Engagement Story Engagement Ring

I hope you all liked reading our story and I am excited to start ramping up my wedding content here on the blog. If there’s anything specific you want to see comment below, shoot me an email or DM me on Instagram! I love hearing from you.



  1. Aunt Karen
    March 18, 2020 / 11:53 am

    I loved your story and can’t wait to celebrate your special day!

    • Emily
      April 10, 2020 / 2:33 pm

      So excited!! <3